====== Donate ====== Thank you for your interest in donating to FAFO e.V.! We currently accept donations via bank transfer (eg. SEPA): **Name**: FAFO e.V. \\ **Address**: Reichenhallerstr. 7, 81547 München, Germany \\ **IBAN**: DE04 8306 5408 0005 4554 48 \\ **BIC**: GENODEF1SLR Make sure to specify that this is a donation (eg. //Spende für den Verein//) in the bank transfer title! All of your donations will go towards our [[https://git.fa-fo.de/fafo/satzung/raw/branch/main/pdf/2024-08-05-for-signing-at-formation.pdf|statutory goals]], which is the promotion of science and research in the field of technology and chemistry as well as education. In practice this means you'll be funding equipment and supplies to develop a fully open and transparent semiconductor research lab. We are a public-benefit association (//Gemeinnütziger Verein//), so your donation might be tax-deductible. In Germany, donations under 150€ can be deducted just based on a bank statement. For donations over 150€, we are happy to issue a donation receipt (//Spendenbescheinigung//) - just send us an email with your name and address to vorstand@.